All-Points offers complete customs brokerage services throughout the United States. We assure accurate and timely release of your cargo at any U.S. port of arrival. We can help you control your import activities and comply with all import regulatory requirements. All-Points customs brokerage department will provide technical and professional expertise in the following areas:
- GSP, including all other Special Trade Agreements (duty free, lower duty rates)
- Personal Effects
- Passenger Clearance (JFK/EWR Airport) – Our staff will handle customs clearance at JFK/EWR airport.
- Landed Duty Paid (LDP), All-Points specializes in LDP shipments, with large client base we can handle LDP shipments on a national level.
- Bonded Entries
- Temporary Importations (TIB)
- Carnets
- Surety Bonds
- Other government agency requirements (OGA, PGA)
- Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) Admission/ Withdrawal
- Compliance Reviews
- Classification/Duty Rates
- Reconciliation Program
- Remote Location Filing (RLF)/Electronic Invoice Program
- Automated Invoice Interface (AII), Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
- Binding Ruling Request
- Time-Sensitive Entries
- USDA Presentation
- Pharmaceutical Processing
- ACH / ABI / ACE Broker
Duty Drawback/Notice of Intent: All-Points offers a comprehensive duty drawback program to reclaim funds from US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Our licensed Customs Brokers will assist you in identifying and arranging for duty drawbacks. This type of program is available for unused merchandise, textiles and apparel, electronics and other commodities.
FDA & PGA/Regulatory Compliance: FDA Specialists, FDA Prior Notification, Foodstuffs & Perishables